May 24

The Indian Blanket

The Indian Blanket has another name they call it Firewheel.  The Indian Blanket gets its name Firewheel from its red petals with yellow rims.  The flower diameter is slightly smaller than its perennial cousin Gallardia aristata.  The germination period is 15 to 45 days, and the blooming period is May through September.  The suggested use for the Indian Blanket is roadsides, drainage ditch slopes, open fields, and mixes. A hardy, drought tolerant annual native to the central United States.Easily established from seed, it forms dense colonies of brilliant red flowers with yellow rims.

February 18

George Washington

                       Today I learned about George Washington.These are some facts that I learned.

Most people think George Washington’s hair was a white wig but it’s not true.His hair was naturally  red, but powdered white and pulled back into a pony tail.some people also say that George Washington had fake wooden teeth, but that is also false.The truth is that he had fake teeth, the myth is that they were wooden.He had fake teeth but they were not wooden, they were made of cow’s teeth hippopotamus ivory, and sometimes human teeth.George Washington was also born without a  middle name.Researchers say, they have gone through his past family bibles and his name was recorded without a middle name.Most of the people in the United States knows the silver dollar story, well that is also false.They use that story to demonstrate his size and strength, but it is impossible to throw a dollar across a river over a mile wide.They didn’t even have silver dollars back then.Another false story that most people believe is the cherry tree.George Washington didn’t really cut down his dads favorite cherry tree.

February 17

Abraham Lincoln

        Today I learned about Abraham Lincoln.Here are some facts I learned.

Some people say that Abraham Lincoln wore the same top-hat his whole life.Lincoln was on February 12,1809 in a small room in a log cabin.Abe ran for president in 186, unfortunately a year later the Civil War began.The Civil War was between the northern and southern states.Lincoln wanted the North and South to quit and work together and let go of the anger between them.Later that evening Lincoln went to see a play and when the play started Abe was  was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth, a supporter of the South.



February 6

Cheer: Dallas Cowboys Stadium

So last weekend was January 30, 2016 and I had a cheer competition and I just wanted to tell you about that!…….

Last weekend we arrived at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium and i was about to have a cheer-tastic moment!My mom went to go find her seat as our team went down for warm-ups.When we got down to warm-ups we hit all our stunts and our jumps looked really good, after that we warmed up tumbling and we looked competition ready!Before we knew it, 3 minutes later we were walking out on the competition floor!As we stepped on the floor we had to swing and put our hands on our hips and go to our spots.Right when the music started,we started! It was sooo exciting, we hit all our stunts,we were together on our jumps and had good tumbling and the people that were tumbling with a partner went at the exact same time!When we finished our routine a lot of us went and bought something- I got a shirt and two headbands.By 6:00 our awards started.They called out every name of the teams and we were the only ones left on the floor and we were so  scared because we didn’t know if we got last or didn’t place!WEEELLLLLL……………

The guy finally said…

“The team getting their National Champion jackets today baby…East Texas All Stars Bling!!!!!!!!”

When we went back stage, we got our dog tags, banner, jackets, and metals! We got to take a picture with the DCC and it tuned out that we got…

High Point, National Champion, and First Place!!!!



And that was my 4 time getting to go to that competition and 3 time getting first pace there!!

November 17

Sugar Glider

A Sugar Glider is a tiny mammal/marsupial.The Sugar Glider must eat, sap, gum, flowers, insects, and  spiders.A Sugar Gliders weight is a minimum of 3 to 5 ounces.Adult Sugar Gliders are the tallest.They get up to about 6 to 8 inches tall.Sugar Glider habitats are found in the forest, and they like the Eucalyptus trees.A male is called a male, a female is a female, and a baby Sugar Glider is called a Joey.No, this small creature is NOT endangered.The Sugar Glider habitat i sin Australia, and you will most likely find them nesting in groups.A baby Sugar Glider usually leaves it mamas pouch after about ten weeks.This tiny mammal is nocturnal.Sugar Gliders must stretch their legs to tighten their wings.They usually live in the Eucalyptus trees.

November 10

ROW your site

A pink river dolphin must eat , turtles, small fresh fish, and crabs.Pink river dolphins are also endangered because of loss of habbitat.a baby is called a pup, mama is a cow, and a male pink river dolphin is called a bull.The worlds largest dolphin is the pink river dolphin.A baby pink river dolphin is born gray, and turns pink as it grows to be an adult.A pink river dolphin i sgray when it goes under water and pink when it comes out.This mammal is a very slow swimmer, and likes to swim at the bottom of the river.The pink river dolphin habbitat is in the Amazon River, wich is located in the Tropical Rainforest.This dolphin has very many predators, and they are, people, polution, and over fishing.The pink river dolphin lives in fresh water.It has a very long toothed snout.This dolphin can get up to 6-8 feet long/tall, and can weigh up to 180-350 pounds.I found this information at Shot 2015-11-10 at 10.17.44 AM

November 3

I’m only me if I’m drug free

I never want to do drugs because  don’t want it to ruin my dreams.I want to be an art teacher when I grow up. I’ve always loved playing school and i still do and, I don’t want that to ruin my dreams.Doing drugs could make many things go wrong and I don’t want that to happin to me.For example, you could end up in the hospital like many peopl deveryear. NEVER DO DRUGS!!

May 19

So Long 3rd Gade

The most important thing iI learned this year was…….

multiplication, because, that was the thing i was most excited about.Now it is my favorite thing from math, which is also division because it is the same but backwards.


My favorite  project was……..

math:The animal project            reading:The pizza project

Because, those were the most fun one’s I have ever  done. In the pizza project you do a biography, get facts from it and do a bunch of cool stuff on it. On The Animal Project you pick an animal, get facts, write them down, get pictures, make a keynote, put it on a Q.R. code, PRINT pictures, make a poster, put it all together.


I was most surprised by……..

Switching classes, because, I was NOT used to doing that, because, in primary you only have one class. Even though I knew you had more than one class in the whole intermediate.


The thing i most disliked was…..

Reviewing, because, when you review at the beginning of the year, you already know everything, but they think you forgot it over summer, and trust me everybody already knows it!

February 17

Facts For Me

Hi, I am a farm horse and my name is popper.As you can see by my name you would think I like to jump, if you think so then you are correct.Anyway, I am going to give you some facts about us horses.The first one is, horses become a responsible adult at the age of five.Number 2, if we get spooked we could kick you, that means don’t get behind us!Us horses usually  live up to 25 or 30 years old before we die.A horse can see all the way around  its head with just two eyes, how cool are we!Anyway, I’ve got to get back to my horse riding, there is a long line,see you next time,BYE!odom        kylie dugger