Dear Mrs.Larue-Letters From Obedience School
Dear Ike,
I am so mad at you! How dare you lie about this obedience school! I personally love this school, and you don’t belong here! The other dogs and I think that you belong at a true obedience school! We are glad you left so we don’t have to deal with you anymore. You have pushed my last button! We are never sharing a room again, and I’m demanding you to never come back again. And, if you do, I will get security to kick you out! You are such a slob, you didn’t even pick up your mess. We had to get the maid to pack up the rest of your stuff, and ship it to your house. Also, how dare you do that to your owner, although all the dogs wanted you to go home. Hope to never see you again.
Your roommate from obedience school