Readers Theater: Child’s Work-Reaction and What I Learned
Back in 1911, during the Industrial Revolution, there was child labor. Most kids started working around the age of 6, but usually child labor was under the age of 18. The children had never been to school and didn’t make much money, but needed the money for survival. The only day some of them had off work was Sunday’s. Many worked 12 hour shifts. Even if u come in two minutes late, they dock your payments. Also, in some factories, they would lock the doors until your shift was over. There was a group of workers from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City during 1911 that had to jump out of a window because the cloth caught on fire. Many jumped to their deaths or burned from the fire. I was surprised that they made children work, because children should be able to go to school. Usually, the parents work while the children are at school, but back then, they wouldn’t let the children go to school. I’m just glad I did not live back then, because we get to go to school and we don’t have to work at places where you would normally see just adults.