A Sugar Glider is a tiny mammal/marsupial.The Sugar Glider must eat, sap, gum, flowers, insects, and spiders.A Sugar Gliders weight is a minimum of 3 to 5 ounces.Adult Sugar Gliders are the tallest.They get up to about 6 to 8 inches tall.Sugar Glider habitats are found in the forest, and they like the Eucalyptus trees.A male is called a male, a female is a female, and a baby Sugar Glider is called a Joey.No, this small creature is NOT endangered.The Sugar Glider habitat i sin Australia, and you will most likely find them nesting in groups.A baby Sugar Glider usually leaves it mamas pouch after about ten weeks.This tiny mammal is nocturnal.Sugar Gliders must stretch their legs to tighten their wings.They usually live in the Eucalyptus trees.
Posted November 17, 2015 by kdugger in category Uncategorized