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A pink river dolphin must eat , turtles, small fresh fish, and crabs.Pink river dolphins are also endangered because of loss of habbitat.a baby is called a pup, mama is a cow, and a male pink river dolphin is called a bull.The worlds largest dolphin is the pink river dolphin.A baby pink river dolphin is born gray, and turns pink as it grows to be an adult.A pink river dolphin i sgray when it goes under water and pink when it comes out.This mammal is a very slow swimmer, and likes to swim at the bottom of the river.The pink river dolphin habbitat is in the Amazon River, wich is located in the Tropical Rainforest.This dolphin has very many predators, and they are, people, polution, and over fishing.The pink river dolphin lives in fresh water.It has a very long toothed snout.This dolphin can get up to 6-8 feet long/tall, and can weigh up to 180-350 pounds.I found this information at
I’m only me if I’m drug free
I never want to do drugs because don’t want it to ruin my dreams.I want to be an art teacher when I grow up. I’ve always loved playing school and i still do and, I don’t want that to ruin my dreams.Doing drugs could make many things go wrong and I don’t want that to happin to me.For example, you could end up in the hospital like many people do every year. NEVER DO DRUGS!!